D-LABS is a Potsdam-based consulting and design company founded on the initiative of Hasso Plattner in 2006. We design, optimize and implement digital products and services for our clients – from the local town hall to multinational corporations.DCMN
DCMN is the growth marketing partner for digital businesses and startups worlwide. The company’s creative & data-driven approach combines technology with industry expert knowledge to grow the market leaders of tomorrow.DEEP TECH Berlin
Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB)
Deutsche Telekom AG
Digital Career Institute gGmbh
Dokfilm Fernsehproduktion GmbH
DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
medianet berlinbrandenburg is a strong network of the media industry in the capital region: more than 420 companies are committed to ensure the growing attractiveness of the location and public awareness for the media industry’s interests.