freispace GmbH
The revolution of post-production planning!Friedrich Graf von Westphalen & Partner mbB Rechtsanwälte
Fritz Mate
G2 Esports Holding GmbH
G2 Esports is one of the leading entertainment assets in esports, bringing together some of the best competitive players in the world and biggest personalities in gaming. The club was co-founded by legendary League of Legends player-turned-team owner, Carlos ‘ocelote’ Rodriguez, and veteran esports entrepreneur and investor, Jens – Verband der deutsche Games-Branche
Gamebook Studio HQ GmbH
Be the hero of your next life! Be unforgettable. At Gamebook we create the next generation of life simulation games. RPG based, AI supported, community driven, diverse. And on any platform.GameDuell
Games Academy GmbH
Games Forest Club gGmbH
join the club to restore Berlin Europe
games:net Berlin Europe is the initiative of media:net berlinbrandenburg e. V. for networking and exchange between Berlin’s games and interactive media industry and companies, universities and institutions within Europe with a focus on France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
medianet berlinbrandenburg is a strong network of the media industry in the capital region: more than 420 companies are committed to ensure the growing attractiveness of the location and public awareness for the media industry’s interests.