Juliane Müller, managing director of the commissioned consulting and research group Goldmedia GmbH Strategy Consulting, led the presentation. In a subsequent panel moderated by Sven Oswald (rbb multimedia expert, radioeins presenter, freelance journalist), State Secretary for the Economy Michael Biel, Jeannine Koch, Executive Chairwoman of medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V., and Helge Jürgens, Managing Director of New Media Funding Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, commented on the results. Around 25 representatives of the industry and the press attended the publication.
What are the key takeaways from the Games Study Berlin Brandenburg?
- The games industry in the capital region is growing.
- Games companies have a low average age. The industry is very collaborative.
- 41% of games companies have a negative rate of return, however, 27% have a rate of return of over 15%.
- Federal and regional funding is an essential source of financing.
- Only 28% of employees in the games industry are female.
- 17% of companies offer apprenticeships.
- Games companies are, among other things, challenged by rising costs, slow internet and a shortage of qualified staff.
>> You can download the summary of the study here. <<
All pictures of the event can be found here on flickr.