Exclusive and established networking events:
With the medianet GAMES Matchmaking Dinner and the medianet GAMES Summer Reception, renowned formats have been established. The years of experience in professionally organizing B2B events for the media, digital, and creative industries make medianet not only relevant for the game industry but also place the association at the center of the creative ecosystem in Berlin.
Games Study:
In addition, in 2022, funded by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, a study titled “The Game Industry in Berlin Brandenburg – An Examination of the Economic Factor” was commissioned and conducted by Goldmedia GmbH Strategy Consulting for the first time. The results were published on May 4, 2023.
You can find the study here: https://www.medianet-bb.de/de/games-branche-in-berlin-brandenburg-eine-untersuchung-des-wirtschaftsfaktors/
gamescom Representation for Berlin-Brandenburg:
medianet has been responsible for organizing the joint appearance of Berlin and Brandenburg at gamescom since 2013. In 2022, through collaboration with Medienboard, the network association enabled the participation of Berlin and Brandenburg indie studios in the consumer area of the trade fair for the first time.
Call to Action 2023: https://www.medianet-bb.de/en/event/medianet-goes-to-gamescom-call-for-action-2/