The 3IT – Innovation Center for Immersive Imaging Technologies – is a network and a location at the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute. The 3IT provides a platform for research institutions and development laboratories from industry as well as universities, broadcasters, and telecommunications companies to exchange ideas in a pre-competitive environment. Establish contacts, testing products and systems, and joint presentation to various target groups are our most requested services. The given know-how in the entire field of “Immersive Imaging Technologies” creates new synergies in product development, marketing and sales, and positioning in the market and in the public.
Previously known as the 3D Innovation Center, the 3ITofficially announced its name change at its 2nd anniversary celebration in September 2014. Due to the development of the market and partner companies, the work is no longer exclusively focused on 3D, but also includes all other immersive imaging technologies (UHD, HFR, HDR…) as well as image and video applications for the medical and industrial sectors. This expansion of the field of activity is also visible in the new name.
More information here: www.hhi.fraunhofer.de www.3it-berlin.de