Submit your best work in these three categories:
Product: Market-ready and new products, services and experiential environments.
Concept: Prototypes, MVPs, service concepts, conceptual environments, foresight studies and research projects.
New Talent: Bachelor’s and master’s projects from all over the world.
medianet members receive a 20% discount on the participation fee if they submit a project to the Commission. If you are interested, you can get the discount code from Rebecca Deppe.
The winners of the UX Design Awards – Spring edition will be revealed during a virtual winner announcement held on 01 March 2024. In the last round of the UX Design Awards, more than 540 participants from 54 countries took part. 158 projects were nominated for the awards, with the jury awarding eleven winners. In addition, more than 24,000 professionals and users worldwide selected one Public Choice Award winner among all nominees. All past winners and nominees can be found on the Award website.
About the UX Design Awards
The UX Design Awards are the global competition for excellent experiences by International Design Center Berlin (IDZ). The Awards reflect the impact experience design has on shaping a positive life across all industries, worldwide. Our thorough approach, and the focus on a key design field, makes the UX Design Awards stand out among other design competitions. The list of Award winners reads like a who is who of the industry. A jury of renowned experts nominates outstanding projects to compete in the UX Design Awards and selects the winners. Furthermore, users worldwide are invited to vote for a Public Choice Award winner among all nominees.
Profil von IDZ – Internationales Design Zentrum Berlin e.V.

Das IDZ versteht sich seit seiner Gründung 1968 als Kommunikationsplattform zwischen Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Kultur und widmet sich aktuellen sowie Zukunftsfragen im Design.