The UX Design Awards – Autumn 2024 call for participation is open until 31 May 2024. Companies, agencies, professionals, and young designers worldwide are invited to submit their best work in one of these three categories:


Market-ready and new products, services and experiential environments.


Prototypes, MVPs, service concepts, conceptual environments, foresight studies and research projects.

New Talent

Bachelor’s and master’s projects from all over the world.

medianet members receive a 20% discount on the participation fee if they submit a project to the Commission. If you are interested, you can get the discount code from Alexander Fuchs.

Evaluation process and jury

Each entry is evaluated in a multi-stage procedure. First, the jurors decide which projects are nominated to compete in the Awards. In the second stage, teams of judges subject all nominated entries to a detailed review, and shortlist finalists to enter the jury session. The judges’ diverse backgrounds ensure a balanced evaluation of all submissions. Meet the members of the jury on:

The winners of the UX Design Awards – Autumn edition will be revealed during a virtual winner announcement held on 03 September 2024. In the last round of the UX Design Awards, more than 500 participants from 53 countries took part. 118 projects were nominated for the awards, with the jury awarding fourteen winners. In addition, more than 18,000 professionals and users worldwide selected one Public Choice Award winner among all nominees. All past winners and nominees can be found on the Award website:


About the UX Design Awards

Our thorough approach, and the focus on a key design field, makes the UX Design Awards stand out among other design competitions. The list of Award winners reads like a who is who of the industry. A jury of renowned experts nominates outstanding projects to compete in the UX Design Awards and select the winners. Furthermore, users worldwide are invited to vote for a Public Choice Award winner among all nominees.



For more than 50 years, International Design Center Berlin e. V. (IDZ) has been a leading independent institution for the promotion of design as a motor for innovation in business and society. IDZ offers companies access to consulting and expertise in design, promotes the exchange of knowledge, and realizes projects and events. The institution works in active dialogue with representatives from politics, culture, and science on a national and international level. Through its highly regarded UX Design Awards and the German Ecodesign Award, IDZ celebrates and recognizes excellence in design.


Press contact

Mr Wilhelm Noeldeke |

Press area and downloads:

An Award by International Design Center Berlin |




Social Media

#UXDA24 #uxdesign #experiencedesign #awards


@UX Design Awards








Profil von IDZ – Internationales Design Zentrum Berlin e.V.

IDZ – Internationales Design Zentrum Berlin e.V.030 61 62 321-24

Das IDZ versteht sich seit seiner Gründung 1968 als Kommunikationsplattform zwischen Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Kultur und widmet sich aktuellen sowie Zukunftsfragen im Design.
