The next day (Friday, October 24, 2014) started with an early morning trip to Poznan and Roadshow in the Poznan University of Technology (Faculty of Computing). 3 groups of students and 3 Berlin Games companies presented their projects and got to know each other. The aim was to connect the students and the companies in terms of possible student exchanges, internships and so on. In the afternoon a Game Industry Associations Roundtable on “Challenges and opportunities of building an industry association” took place at the office of von Zanthier & Schulz lawyers. About 25 people followed our invitation and listened to the presentations of Andrea Peters (Chair berlinbrandenburg e.V.), Mariusz Socha (VP Digital Entertainment Cluster and Organizer of the Digital Dragons Conference in Krakow) and Olaf Wolters (Lawyer at BOEHMERT&BOEHMERT Berlin). The evening ended with the ZTG pre-conference party at Alibi Club where the participants of our delegation trip and all other involved parties could get to know each other better.

This event was initiating our programme and visit at the Poznan Game Arena (PGA, October 24 – 26, 2014): There was a Berlin meets Poznan Indie Booth (common booth of 12 companies, in cooperation with GAME), a Berlin meets Poland Business Panel on “Creative Game Development in Poland and Germany”, talks in cooperation and in the framework of the Game Dev Convention (ZTG) and peer-to-peer meetings with Berlin and Polish Companies. In the evening we attended the ZTG Speakers Dinner and the official PGA party.

On Sunday we could listen to talks of André Bernhardt (Indie Advisor) and Edu Ponz (tictaptoe) as well as Herwig Kopp (NORMaLUM) before we were heading home.

All these activities aimed to support recruiting, network building in Poland, showcases of Berlin companies and networking based – thanks to  everybody who joined us on our trip (Carsten Lammert/ Gamania, Herwig Kopp/ NORMaLUM – Mixed Realities), came to our Roundtable, listened to the Panels…and of course for the partys!

Please find more pics from our trip here.