This year, the media:net GAMES SUMMER RECEPTION took place in the beautiful surroundings of the Factory Berlin Görlitzer Park and attracted over 80 professionals from the local games industry.
The event was officially opened with some words about the exciting games industry by Jeannine Koch, CEO of media:net berlinbrandenburg e.V., the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, and Anne Vielhaber and Vanessa Zeuch from Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg. Celebrating the industry’s success and importance for the capital Region, the Governing Mayor reminded the guests to keep pushing for broad recognition with policy makers.
As those industry gatherings have been very rare and heavily missed during the last year due to Covid-19, the GAMES SUMMER RECEPTION 2021 was well received by the guests. For many of them it was the first meeting outside of Zoom or other digital tools with old and new colleagues and partners in almost a year and the gathering felt very enjoyable.
The guests could watch the broadcast of the Opening Night Live, the official opening ceremony of this year’s gamescom, while having engaging talks, sipping on cold drinks, enjoying a tasty barbecue and listen to the music from a DJ.
We would like to thank our partners Factory Berlin and Berliner Sparkasse, as well as our funder Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg to make such an enjoyable evening possible and of course also everyone who joined the GAMES SUMMER RECEPTION 2021. We are looking forward to seeing you soon again!
Fotos: (c) André Wunstorf