Maciej Miasik is one of the founding fathers of Poland’s Games Industry. He has a finger in every pie and a great lot of experience in producing, developing, and programming video games, from adventure to role playing-games. He is co-founder of Detalion SC Maciej Miasik, but probably best known for the millionfold sold „The Witcher“ Series. As Head of Production he was responsible for its first part in 2007 and also participated on its following titles.

But that is not all. Adventure game enthusiasts also may have played „Rhea“, „Shizm: Mysterious Journey“, „Mysterious Journey II: Chameleon“ and „Sentinel: Descendants in Time“ – all known for a few very tricky puzzles. And there are two more titles, programmed by him, that shall not remain unreferenced: „Electroman“ (1992) and „Robbo“ (1988). Both of them are counted as the first successful Polish Games.

In his presentation Maciej Miasik gave insights in his personal experiences and know-how of the Polish Games Industry. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session hosted by Andreas Lange (Computerspielemuseum)

The permanent exhibition of the Computerspielemuseum in the Karl-Marx-Allee was opened exclusively for this event. Apart from a lot of interesting facts about 60 years of Games history, the guests got the chance to play rare collectibles such as the original Pong (1972) as well as the first part of “The Witcher”!

After the presentation there was time for individual conversations and networking and also some photos with Maciej.

Thank you Maciej for coming to Berlin and for telling us a lot of interesting things about you! We would also like to thank Andreas Lange and his team of the Computerspielemuseum, our host of the evening, “LIEBEr ESSEN” for the delicious catering and our partners and supporters Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin Partner, GameDuell, KPMG and Paymentwall and of course all our guests!