Der Leiter Geschäftsentwicklung und Sponsoring EU bei Riot Games, Alban Dechelotte, sagt: “Pringles war führend bei der Mainstream-Integration in den E-Sport. Wir haben die fantastische Arbeit gesehen, die sie geleistet haben, und freuen uns, eine maßgeschneiderte Kampagne zu entwickeln, mit der wir eine sinnvolle Verbindung zu unseren Fans herstellen können.”
Mehr dazu lesen Sie bei Horizont.
Profil von Riot Games

Berlin has so many things it’s known for: the music, the food, the architecture, the history, and passion for gaming. With so many unique offerings, we couldn’t just have a single office here! One office fully focuses on esports, ensuring top-notch experiences for players, fans, and teams across all of Europe. With unparalleled enthusiasm, excitement, and competitiveness, we strive to keep making the LEC the best esports experience in Europe. The second office focuses primarily on publishing and esports in Germany, Poland, Austria, and Switzerland. They create and maintain meaningful relationships with players, be it articles, videos, or unique publishing efforts, we aim to keep our players informed and excited about all our games.