Through our project medianet GAMES International – Transatlantic, we gave you on January 23rd the opportunity to get know Alexander Pieper, CEO of Studio Fizbin. He talked about the humble beginnings of his company, their award-winning games The Inner World and Minute of Islands, and their new endeavour Project: Kokidon, a unique triple-I action roguelike that has been in production since 2022. As always, IndieAdvisor’s André Bernhardt conducted the interview.
Did you miss the livestream? You can now watch the recording on YouTube:
Alexander Pieper – CEO of Studio Fizbin
Born in 1985, right after the videogame crash and in the beginning of a new golden age, he grew up with NES, SNES, Mega Drive and his first PC. In 1997 he read a BASIC-Book and programmed his first Text-Adventure for his brother’s birthday, „Survive Afternoon School“. As he dived further in programming and the architecture of videogames, he started studying Applied Computer Sciences in 2007. After a workshop with the „Filmakademie“, his decision was set. He wanted to make story-driven games for a living. Games, which should take the player to places they’ve never been before.
André Bernhardt – Managing Director IndieAdvisor
André Bernhardt has run IndieAdvisor & Company since 2012. He offers external business development and consulting for indie developers, curates the devcom Indie Expo, teaches at different colleges and hosts panels, talks and other events.